Friday, July 7, 2023

Summer is here!

 Loving summer, don't mind the heat, always better than the cold! Even though I'm sweating to death all the time LOL.

Speaking of hot, made soup yesterday....

Tortellini en brodo, extra garlic

Also, Lemon Blueberry Loaf:

And for dinner:

Boeuf Bourguignon (with a 2019 Decoy Cabernet)

I guess I just felt like cooking.  That feeling goes away from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon, loe reservations for Friday and Saturday night dinners.

Going to Finback tonight, our usual Friday night hang with FinFam.  


Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Just Sayin"

Just sayin', no one's really reading these so if I write it will be less frequently and when I have something to say, or photos to post.

Just a few phots from the past few weeks of cooking at home :)

Tom Yum soup (Thai) with mushrooms, shrimp and tofu...always cilantro and good tom yum paste.

Tuscan chicken with roasted tomatoes, spinach over farfalle.

Winter crumble with apples and blackberries topped with oat/butter/flour/sugar crumble.

Truth be told, this looks amazing and the crust was perfect, but it just doesn't have the right airy-chewy inside that I am looking for....always another bread on the horizon.